Issue 12

Issue 12

Joanne Esser, J.S. Kierland, Marianna Hofer, Beth Paulson, Ed Coletti, Morgan Smith.

Categorized as Shop

Garage Sense

Garage Sense

Nobody would be likely to steal my old Chevy truck, I guess.

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Sophie In Bohemia

Sophie in Bohemia

Open paint cans clutter the floor, and color slops over […]

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The Day Slows Down

The Day Slows Down

As the sun crosses the meridian dividing the house, / the day slows down, and the living room becomes whiter. […]

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Aunt Flo’s Goodbye

Aunt Flo

Aunt Flo had a daughter She was a drug addict Aunt Flo had leukemia Her husband left her Aunt Flo had a party invited everyone she knew gave everyone gifts told everyone how much she loved them Aunt Flo said she was going on a trip She was found hanged     Vincent J. Tomeo… Continue reading Aunt Flo’s Goodbye

Categorized as Poetry

The Mexican

The Mexican

Ahead of the crowd, I settle into a choice window seat. This former school bus won’t roll from Times Square deep into New Jersey until every seat is paid for. I eye all those boarding. They are, to quote Sly Stone, everyday people. More than a few women board, lugging shopping bags and little kids,… Continue reading The Mexican

Categorized as Poetry

Issue 11

Cathy Porter, Dana Stamps, II, T. Kilgore Splake, Mike Faran, Brian James Lewis, Isabel Wolfe-Frischman.

Categorized as Shop



The colleagues would celebrate closing a case with the special hidden bottle of honey-tinted brandy, the very finest, extremely old. All the way down it would burn: grapes of France, oak of Germany, and your eyes, in the end, meeting mine.     Ruth Holzer’s poems have appeared in California Quarterly, Chiron Review, Poet Lore,… Continue reading Uralt

Categorized as Poetry

Doucette At Work In The Bookstore

Face: heart-shaped; matter-of-fact, diffident Eyes: bespectacled;  hiding, searching Arms: thin;  hands nervous with low energy Legs:  woolly socks to just below the knee;               bare calves and thighs to just below the hemline Body:  white, warm, slightly moist Panties:  hidden, flimsy;  lightly fragrant with perfume or scent from nature Pinafore:  thrown on to cascade, lightly… Continue reading Doucette At Work In The Bookstore

Categorized as Poetry