After the Shootings

After the Shootings
After the Shootings

at Pulse in Orlando

forty-nine dead

dozens injured

the man named Omar

gone crazy

I’m drinking coffee

at Zip’s

fibromyalgia flare

a couple in the next booth

talk about the shootings

anxious I sit

thinking of my sister’s letter

the family drama


as does this country’s



Paula Anne Yup lives and writes in the Marshall Islands. She has written poetry since childhood and published since college days. She has over a hundred poems in print with work in anthologies (Feathers, Fins & Fur, Earth Beneath, Sky Beyond, A Kiss Still a Kiss, What Book!?), journals (Earth’s Daughters, Mid-American Review) and other literary publications. Her first book, Making a Clean Space in the Sky, was published in 2011 by Evening Street Press.